
Introduction to P25

P25 is a leading technology choice for Public Safety and other mission critical organizations around the world. You will be able to learn all about it in this new introductory course.

Course syllabus

Lesson 1: P25 Standard

Introduction to P25 (or Project 25) – a suite of standards developed to provide digital voice and data communication systems suited to public safety and first responders.

Lesson 2: P25 Network Architecture

P25 Networks are composed of different sites, gateways, equipment, and more. Learn all about them in Lesson 2 of Introduction to P25.

Lesson 3: Channel Operation and Configuration

Learn the difference between physical and logical channels, how to operate channels, and how to configure channels and number P25 systems.

Lesson 4: Call Types and Features

Learn about voice calls, data calls and P25 encryption.

Lesson 5: Final Assessment

Once you have completed all the lessons, you can take this final assessment to earn a Tait Radio Academy certificate for Introduction to P25 course.