
Introduction to DMR

Learn the basics and introduce yourself to DMR, one of the most popular standards in critical communications.

About the course

Digital Mobile Radio, also known as DMR, is one of the most popular standards for critical communications.

Users and managers new to DMR might have several questions. For instance:

1) What is the difference between DMR Tier 1, DMR Tier 2, and DMR Tier 3?
2) How does DMR compare to other technologies?
3) What types of voice and data can be communicated via DMR network?
4) What are the different parts in a DMR network?

These questions, and much more, will be covered in this exclusive course. Introduction to Digital Mobile Radio is taught by Noel Farrelly, an industry expert who has spent the last few decades teaching people about radio communications.

Course syllabus

Lesson 1: DMR Standard

Why was the DMR standard created? What benefits can it offer and what standards does it meet?

Lesson 2: DMR Network Architecture

DMR networks include far more than two portable radios talking to each other. Learn the different elements available for your network and how they interact together.

Lesson 3: Channel Operation and Configuration

There are two types of channels in DMR, but what do they do and how many does your business need? Learn this and more in this section of the course.

Lesson 4: Call Types and Features

Voice calls are just the tip of the iceberg with a DMR voice and data network. Learn the different call types and features in this lesson.

Lesson 5: Final assessment

Once you have completed all the lessons, you can take this final assessment to earn a Tait Radio Academy certificate for Introduction to DMR course.